LG Networks, Inc.

Is Your Business Data 100% Recoverable?

IT support Dallas

Is Your Business Data 100% Recoverable?

Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of Disaster Recovery (DR) has received unprecedented attention. Most businesses have realized the importance of bouncing back quickly from a disruptive event. In 2020, about 80% of SMBs reported having a recovery plan in place. But are you sure your business’ data is 100% recoverable?

If you aren’t sure how much of your business-sensitive data is recoverable or aren’t testing your DR solution to catch issues like syncing, having a DR doesn’t make much sense. An effective DR plan must tackle a broad spectrum of threats to vital applications and systems, right from minor equipment failure to severe natural disasters.

Not having a fully and quickly recoverable environment could lead to:

This is where the concept of recovery assurance (RA) finds its importance. Recovery assurance means sufficiently testing backups to ensure quick system recovery in the event of a cyber disruption.

Deliver Recovery Assurance With the Right Backup Solution

Make sure to incorporate the following features:

7 Things to Consider When Selecting a Backup & Recovery Solution

There are many different backup offerings in the marketplace because one solution rarely meets an organization’s needs. However, the following criteria can help SMBs evaluate backup solutions:

Still have questions? We can help you find and implement the right backup solution for your unique business quickly. Contact us for a consultation today.

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