LG Networks, Inc.

Mergers and retirements at Google

A Few Google Apps Are Being Retired

If you have an attic or garage, it’s common to take some time at the end of a long winter to go through the cra…err treasures you have stored. It can be good to clean your house every now and then and it makes you feel like you’re living in a better place. Google has also been busy with their own brand of “spring cleaning” which has included retiring some features and merging others.

Here’s a few changes Google has recently made to some of its products in an attempt to clean up their services a little.

These are just a few of the “spring cleaning” changes Google has made, and will continue to make, over the next few months. If you’d like to learn more about changes Google is making please contact us.

Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org.
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