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AdWords call button may help


AdwordsIf you have your smartphone within reach, open your browser and search for ‘hardware store’.

You should see a few local businesses pop up under the map, most of which should have a click to call button which when pressed will telephone that specific business. This certainly seems like a good idea, but many businesses are asking whether it really is beneficial.

According to a recent study conducted by Google and Ipsos, businesses that have a click to call button on their paid (AdWords) or organic search results actually see an increase in brand reception and calls.

The study focused on seven industries – Travel, Restaurants, Technology, Finance, Retail, Auto and Local services – and found that 70% of mobile searchers will press the call button in the results.

What’s even more interesting is that paid mobile ads generate over 40 million calls each month. Almost 80% of these calls last 30 seconds or longer, with many lasting over 6 minutes. This indicates that users are not only making the call but are likely interested in what the business has to offer.

According to Google, “AdWords advertisers who implement click to call see an 8 percent increase in their click-through rate.” In other words, having a call button on sponsored ads and organic results will likely increase interest and sales.

Add your number to AdWords
If you use AdWords, why not add your phone number as a phone extension to the next ad. As the research shows, this could lead to an increase in calls and interest from potential customers. When you add your number as a phone extension, the call button will appear on ads for mobiles, and as a number for tablet and desktop users. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Create a new AdWords campaign from your AdWords account. OR, click select an existing campaign.
  2. Click on Ad Extensions.
  3. Click on the button that says View located in the left, above the information window, and select Call Extensions from the drop-down list.
  4. Select Edit in the window that opens followed by + Add new number.
  5. Set your phone number and pick from the options below the number box.
  6. Click on Start/end dates, Scheduling if you would like to have the number appear in results at certain times.
  7. Press Save.

Looking to learn more about AdWords, or to launch an AdWords campaign? Why not contact us to see how we can help.

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