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Apple releases OS X 10.8.4 update


Mountain LionWhen it comes to computers, there are numerous operating systems (OS) that you can use. While many companies use Microsoft Windows, Apple’s OS X has been gaining popularity due to its usability and general stability. The latest version of OS X 10.8 – Mountain Lion has proven to be popular and has recently been updated too.

Below is an overview of the recent OS X 10.8 update and how you can install it.

Update features

Here are some of the changes with the update:

  • Improved Wi-Fi compatibility with some enterprise level wireless networks.
  • Microsoft Exchange compatibility with Calendar (iCal) has been improved to make it integration easier.
  • An issue that prevented Facetime calls to non-US numbers has been fixed.
  • iMessages has been updated to fix an issue where messages showed out of order.
  • Safari has been updated to 6.0.5 which has improved overall stability.
  • An issue that prevented some documents from being uploaded to an SMB server has been fixed.

These features are just a few of the updates introduced in 10.8.4 that aim to generally improve the overall functionality of the OS. While it may appear that these updates don’t make massive improvements, it is a good idea to download the update as an up-to-date system can generally improve the security of a system while ensuring that your computer is functioning as it should be.

How to install the update

There are a couple of ways you can get the update:

Through the App Store

  1. Open the App Store (it’s the blue circle icon with the brush, pencil and ruler in your dock).
  2. Wait for the Store to load and press the Updates icon at the top of the window.
  3. Look for the update. It should be located in a tab called Software Update. If you press More it should show you information regarding the update. It should be called: OS X Update Combined 10.8.4.
  4. Click Update and it should be downloaded and applied. You will need to restart your computer.

Manually download it

  1. Go to Apple’s Support site’s 10.8.4 update page located here.
  2. Press Download. When it has finished, the update should be in your Downloads folder.
  3. Double click on the file and follow the install instructions.
  4. Restart your computer.

If you work with an IT partner we recommend that you contact them before you update your system as there may be other systems you use that won’t support the update. If you are unsure about the update and compatibility with your systems, please contact us today to see how we can help.

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