IT Managed Services in Dallas, TX

When a company decides to place all of its information technology needs and job functions with one specific provider, it is referred to as IT managed services. Because virtually all aspects of an IT operation are handled through this management process, it’s important to know some of the most important job functions that are covered.

Below is a list of the most frequent areas that are covered by an IT managed services provider:

  • Network training
  • Helpdesk support
  • System updates
  • Remote accessibility
  • System backups
  • Network management
  • Network security and protection
  • System recovery
  • Software installation and maintenance
  • Hardware installation and maintenance
  • User setup
  • The Process

Typically an IT managed services provider will have a team of specialists that are experts in all of the services that are mentioned above. Readily available to help, one of the specialists would be available virtually 24-hours a day and 365-days a year. This is both important and beneficial to know because you can never predict when you might need an immediate, emergency IT or network service performed. Generally, depending on the specific problem and its severity, one or more IT professionals will be needed to either log into the company’s system remotely or go to your location in order to resolve the problem. Typically, an IT managed services provider will charge by the hour or have a specific fee depending on the service that was given, its severity, and the amount of time that it took to be resolved.

Who is most likely to use an IT managed services provider?

Basically any company that can afford and has a need for specialized managed services will outsource its IT solutions. Generally, a business will enlist the services of an expert IT professional for a few different reasons. The main reason that a company will utilize an IT managed services provider is because the organization does not have the capabilities or resources to have their own information technology department or staff. Because this solution is usually more cost effective, businesses will use IT staffing resources for other operational functions. The other main reason that an organization will outsource their IT solutions is because they require a specialized set of skills that regular staff member are unable to provide. If an employee was able to provide the in-depth skills that a company is looking for, the cost of salary is typically not as low as an IT managed services provider.
